COVID-19 Updates

Thank you for your trust in Bancroft

The safety and well-being of those we serve, our staff and their families are our number one priority. During this time of uncertainty related to COVID, we will utilize our website, email and social media channels for any emerging updates as warranted. 

We are in constant contact with local and state agencies in NJ, PA and DE to gain insight and best practices as new cases of the virus are reported. We are working with program leaders and staff to implement precautionary measures and continue cleanliness education in all locations and group homes.

Please check your email often for updates. If you are not receiving emails and have a loved one in one of our programs, please email [email protected]

General Updates

For visitors to NJ, PA, & DE residential or day program settings:

  • Masks are no longer required.
  • Wellness screenings are no longer required.

Before visiting a Bancroft program setting, there are potential risks associated with COVID-19 that we would like you to be aware of. Prior to visiting, please familiarize yourself with those risks and actions you can take to mitigate those risks as shared by the CDC

There are no COVID-related restrictions on visitations. 


For Bancroft NeuroRehab

In our BNR NeuroRehab outpatient and day programs, masks will continue to be worn by all employees and visitors.

Updates by Program

Day programs are operational.

Fully operational with family visitation rules in place

Group hopes remain fully operational, with family visitation rules in place

 Outpatient services are available however, masks are still required for all patients and staff. Telehealth appointments are available.

Fully operational with family visitation rules in place

Bancroft administrative offices are open between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Family Communications

For questions related to Bancroft’s response and actions taken to keep our staff and those in our care as safe as possible, please email:  [email protected]

How You Can Help

  • Please alert us if you or a family member who has been in contact with those we serve or our staff has been exposed.
  • Support our staff by practicing infection prevention measures when visiting our programs (i.e. hand-washing hygiene, sneezing or coughing into a tissue or sleeve).
  • Please do not visit our locations or your loved one if you are sick.
  • Limit the number of visitors.

Make An Impact

You can help us continue our integral services during this heightened time of need, funding the purchase of additional hand sanitizer, personal protective equipment for staff, as well as air mattresses for the direct support professionals working around-the-clock to ensure seamless support for the individuals in our care.

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