Ways to Celebrate Autism

Male paraprofessional in Bancroft sweatshirt giving a high five to another male.

Ways to Celebrate Autism

Ways to Celebrate Autism

To raise awareness and show support for the beautiful, smart, and unique individuals living with autism, we’ve put together some helpful ways to celebrate autism with friends, family and in your community every day of the year!


Keep learning and educating

Whether it’s a walk, virtual webinar, or fundraiser, express your support and attend events that raise awareness, insist on acceptance, or fund research for autism.

Raise awareness by organizing your own autism awareness campaign or educate others through helpful tools and resources. Make a poster, send an email, or host a lunch and learn to talk about your knowledge of/experience with autism!

Through these acts of support, we create communities that embrace and accept people with autism.


Thank the people who have made a difference in the life of individuals with autism

Whether it’s a teacher, DSP, social worker, or therapist, let them know how much they mean to you and what a difference they make in the lives of so many individuals with autism every day.

If you are a professional working with someone who has autism, know that you are truly appreciated!


Get social and stay engaged!

Join our community on Facebook and connect with us on Instagram! This is a great way to share your #RealMe story, raise awareness, and stay up to date with Bancroft!


Spend time with a friend or family member who has autism

Visit a local park, play a game, call them on the phone or just hang out at home! Spending time with a friend or family member who has autism will bring them so much joy and they’ll appreciate you taking time out to be with them (even if it’s virtually)!

Check out our list of autism-friendly places to visit for a fun (and safe) day out!


Read a book about autism

There are plenty of books on autism to chose from. Whether it’s a book about autism or written by someone with autism, the options are endless. Check out our list of book recommendations! We also have a movie and TV list!


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